Reference No: A0014

Power Plant Chemistry

Main description

Optimum water chemistry is vital for successful power plant operation and one of the main ways for maintaining power plant life. Framatome Power Plant Chemistry portfolio supports operators of nuclear and conventional power plants to comply with environmental regulations, increase safety, maintain material lifetime, and keep your electricity production reliable at the highest possible level.

The Power Plant Chemistry portfolio offers preventive measures, troubleshooting, root-cause analysis, and problem-solving methods. Based on international operating experience the Power Plant Chemistry Portfolio includes detailed, onsite, and offsite water chemistry consulting, special chemistry applications for optimization, chemical analytics, chemistry documentation, such as guidelines and specification, and innovative solutions for hydrazine replacement strategies. The Framatome Interdisciplinary Steam Generator Assessment is a tool specifically for pressurized water reactors (PWRs) that aims to ensure the long-term safe and high-performance operation of this key component.

Catalog Segmentation


  • Challenge solving Challenge solving
  • Operator competitiveness Operator competitiveness
  • Safety excellence Safety excellence
  • Efficiency of operation Efficiency of operation
  • Expertise Expertise
  • Operator competitiveness
  • Expertise


BWR chemistry consulting

Chemistry training for plant staff

DZO application for dose reduction (ALARA)

Enriched Boric Acid EBA application

Hydrazine Replacement

PWR primary side chemistry consulting

PWR secondary circuit chemistry consulting

Qualified Maintenance Products Database

Studies, Evaluations, Root Cause Analysis

Water chemistry consulting: aqueous corrosion