Reference No: A0637

Containment Sampling System

Main description

In the event of a severe accident, sampling of the containment atmosphere or sump water provides essential information for assessing the progress of the accident and evaluating the effectiveness of countermeasures. Containment sampling systems help to improve contingency planning and coordination of emergency response.

Framatome’s containment sampling systems are capable of in-situ sampling from various sources inside the containment, i.e., the containment atmosphere, fuel pool and sump water. They also allow sample dilution and provide an interface for sample extraction from a sampling box installed outside the containment for further analysis.


  • Challenge solving Challenge solving
  • Operator competitiveness Operator competitiveness
  • Safety excellence Safety excellence
  • Efficiency of operation Efficiency of operation
  • Expertise Expertise
  • Challenge solving
  • Safety excellence


Containment Atmosphere Monitoring and Sampling System - COMPASS

Post-Accident Sampling System - PASS