Reference No: A0717

Reactivity Measurement and Analysis System (RMAS)

Main description

Framatome’s Reactivity Measurement and Analysis System (RMAS) assists plants in the execution of their physics testing programs. Reactor startup physics testing is a challenging and vital part of any utility’s outage. At a PWR, one of the last activities required prior to increasing power and placing the turbine on line is to perform Zero-Power Physics Testing (ZPPT). This testing involves making precise measurements of various core parameters and comparing the measured results to predicted values. These predicted values define expected core performance and are derived using the same codes that license the reload core, making the ZPPT process an important part of verifying that the reload core is operating as designed.

Product Sheet


  • Challenge solving Challenge solving
  • Operator competitiveness Operator competitiveness
  • Safety excellence Safety excellence
  • Efficiency of operation Efficiency of operation
  • Expertise Expertise
  • Challenge solving
  • Safety excellence
  • Expertise