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Excore Neutron Flux
Incore Instrumentation
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Incore Instrumentation
9 Products
Product name
Market Area(s)
Customer Benefit
A0708 :
Aeroball Measurement System - Incore Neutron Flux Measurement (EPR + KWU)
Plant long term operation
A0707 :
Exchange Instrumentation for In-core Neutron Flux & Temperature (ECI)
Plant long term operation
Plant in operation
A0712 :
Fixed Incore Detector Monitoring System
Plant in operation
Plant long term operation
A0709 :
Flux Mapping System - FMS upgrades
Plant in operation
A0720 :
Flux Thimble Thermocouple Assemblies
New plants
Plant long term operation
A0713 :
Movable Incore Flux Detector for reactor protection and control
New plants
Plant long term operation
Plant in operation
A1760 :
Neutron Flux Measurement for BWRs
Plant long term operation
Plant in operation
A0717 :
Reactivity Measurement and Analysis System (RMAS)
Plant in operation
A0701 :
Traversing Incore Probe System (TIPS) - Drive Control Unit (DCU) for BWRs
Plant in operation
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