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RPV & Internals Examination
10 Products
Product name
Market Area(s)
Customer Benefit
A0428 :
Lift Rig Facilitates non destructive examination (NDE) and Reduces Corrosion
Plant long term operation
Plant in operation
Framatome advantage
A0429 :
Nozzle and reactor pressure vessel Examinations: Trans World System (TWS)
Plant long term operation
Plant in operation
Framatome advantage
A0430 :
Other internals inspection (visual, UT and diverse probes) - For BWR reactors
Plant in operation
Framatome advantage
A0438 :
Other internals inspection (visual, UT and diverse probes) including life extension engineering
Plant in operation
Framatome advantage
Plant long term operation
A0449 :
Reactor pressure vessel inspection and non destructive examination using automated techniques (UT, ECT, RT, VT …)
Plant in operation
Framatome advantage
A3073 :
Reactor Pressure Vessel Inspections
Plant in operation
Framatome advantage
A0463 :
Reactor Pressure Vessel sealing surface: laser line scanning
Plant in operation
Framatome advantage
A0459 :
Reactor Pressure Vessel: In Vessel Visual Inspection (IVVI) using 3D-HawkEYE probe - For BWR reactors
Digital solutions
Plant in operation
Framatome advantage
A0464 :
SUSI-Gen3 Submarine System
Innovative solutions
Plant in operation
Plant in Post-operation
Framatome advantage
A0461 :
Visual Inspection of Reactor Pressure Vessel and Reactor Pressure Vessel Internals using SUSI probe
Framatome advantage
Plant in operation
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