Reference No: A1941

Support to enhancement of passive behavior and severe accident prevention

Main description

With the aim to be carbon neutral, industries will use advanced reactors as energy providers, steam or heat or electricity. While positioning an advanced reactor next to industrial clusters, it becomes fundamental to design and conceive self-safe systems, preventing from any kind of accident. In this way, passive behavior of advanced reactors, meaning with no extrinsic safety system, is key for acceptance of such new technology through industry. Framatome experts will support you in your choices and developments all along your project course, optimizing planning and costs while defining the most relevant solution in terms of safety, reliability and profitability.


  • Challenge solving Challenge solving
  • Operator competitiveness Operator competitiveness
  • Safety excellence Safety excellence
  • Efficiency of operation Efficiency of operation
  • Expertise Expertise
  • Challenge solving
  • Safety excellence