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New Builds / GEN4 & Advanced Reactors
Next-Gen Reactors
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Next-Gen Reactors
18 Products
Product name
Market Area(s)
Customer Benefit
A1923 :
Advanced chained calculation tools for lifetime maximization of components and systems
Low carbon emission boosters
Framatome advantage
Advanced reactors
A1936 :
Advanced reactor site studies: radioactive releases, hazards and seismic analysis, environmental integration …
Advanced reactors
A1937 :
Advanced reactor standardization in components, systems, and equipment
A1920 :
Advanced Technology Codes and Methods (NEAMS), systems codes, integration of systems and neutronics codes
Advanced reactors
A1929 :
De-risking strategies for advanced reactor projects
New plants
Advanced reactors
A1933 :
Fuel design and manufacturing for open and closed fuel cycles - Advanced reactors
Advanced reactors
A1914 :
High and low temperature electrolysis for H2 production with advanced reactors
Low carbon emission boosters
Other sectors
A1939 :
Independent third party for review of technical and design choices in Advanced Modular Reactor - AMR - projects
Advanced reactors
A1921 :
Modelling software in designing advanced nuclear reactors
A1916 :
Performance based civil design for advanced reactors
Advanced reactors
A1918 :
Process Hazard Approach to Probabilistic Risk Assessment for advanced reactors
Advanced reactors
A1915 :
Process studies & numerical simulations, licensing, safety analysis - advanced reactors
Advanced reactors
A1941 :
Support to enhancement of passive behavior and severe accident prevention
Plant in operation
Advanced reactors
A1938 :
Support to transposition of advanced reactors technologies in GEN3+ reactors - New build or installed
New plants
Framatome advantage
Advanced reactors
A1934 :
Systems Engineering (SE) based reactor design process
Advanced reactors
A1922 :
Technology transfer portal for any GEN IV technologies: VHTR, MSR …
Advanced reactors
A1935 :
Technology-inclusive, risk-informed performance Based (RI-PB) advanced reactors licensing
Advanced reactors
A1924 :
Test Reactors - Reactor and systems engineering
Advanced reactors
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