All Business Areas
Technical Center - Materials
M.01 Materials Testing and Analyses (in own labs or at customer sites)
M.02 Failure and Root Cause Analyses (activated and non-activated materials of any kind)
M.03 Corrosion Testing, Analysis & Consulting
M.04 Numerical and Analytical Fracture mechanics, including Simulation of Weld Residual Stresses
M.05 Materials and Welding Consulting
M.07 Mobile Testing for Quality Assurance
M.09 Fitness-for-Service Assessments (Valve Care, etc.)
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M.05 Materials and Welding Consulting
4 Products
Product name
Market Area(s)
Customer Benefit
A1424 :
Materials Consulting: Competence Center for Material Engineering
Other sectors
Framatome advantage
Plant in operation
A1315 :
Technical center activities: Materials Expertise
Plant in operation
Other sectors
Plant long term operation
Framatome advantage
A1314 :
Technical center activities: Service Support Ensuring Availability and Improving Maintenance
Plant in operation
Other sectors
Plant long term operation
Framatome advantage
A1487 :
Welding consulting: Weldability, Selection of Welding Consumables, Procedure Qualifications
Other sectors
Framatome advantage
Plant in operation
We have more services to offer you in this area. Please contact us for more information.
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