All Business Areas
Technical Center - Thermohydraulic & Component Testing
T.00 Overall Thermohydraulic and Component Testing
T.01 Thermal hydraulic and mechanical testing for components (qualification, research, FAT,…)
T.02 Comprehensive valve testing (qualification, research, FAT,…)
T.03 Comprehensive pump testing (qualification, research, FAT,…)
T.04 Qualification test for Nuclear Components inside containment (LOCA, Climatic, Vibration) -- see also DTICQ
T.06 Testing of RPV internal at full scale for FAT or R&D subjects
T.07 Testing of Debris Retention System (also in integral loop) / sump sieve clogging, including insulation material fragmentation tests after LOCA
T.08 Comprehensive tests for Fuel Assemblies
T.10 Passive safety system testing [INKA, PKL]
T.11 Vibration and Mechanical Tests: Separate fluid-dynamic and mechanical tests for nuclear power plants (e.g., on fuel elements, S/G tubes)
T.12 Thermal Hydraulic Characterization
T.13 Safety Valves Service and Hot Adjustments
T.15: Smart Weld (monitoring of welding machines)
T.16 Training (PKL, valve diagnostics, PDRV)
T.17 Test facility and Thermal hydraulic loops consultation, design, engineering, manufacturing and set-up
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Technical Center - Thermohydraulic & Component Testing
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29 Products
Product name
Market Area(s)
Customer Benefit
A1565 :
APPEL - UPV – Framatome's Pump Test Loop: Qualification according to ISO 9906, accident operation conditions, fast thermal transients, particle loaded water
Plant in operation
Framatome advantage
A1403 :
ASME certified flow capacity tests for pressure relief devices
Framatome advantage
A1576 :
BENSON – High pressure thermal hydraulic separate effect tests
Framatome advantage
Plant in operation
A1559 :
DEREST Debris Retention System Test Facility - LOCA: Qualification with respect to pressure loss, chemical effects and downstream effects
Framatome advantage
Plant in operation
A1312 :
Engineering and design of test facilities: full scale test, thermal-hydraulic platforms, systems and equipment tests facilities …
Plant in operation
Framatome advantage
A1179 :
Equipment Qualification for Climate, Seismic and Vibration Loads
Plant long term operation
Other sectors
Plant in operation
Framatome advantage
A1512 :
Fuel Assembly Component Testing: Design Validation and Life Time Assessment of FA Elements
New plants
Framatome advantage
A1570 :
KADYSS Test Facility for Qualifying Pump Seal System simulates effects of station blackout on pump-shaft seal systems in nuclear power plants
New plants
Framatome advantage
A1571 :
KATHAR Test Facility for Qualifying Pressurizer Heaters: Long-term behavior under full pressure and temperature conditions with simulated service life
Other sectors
Framatome advantage
Plant long term operation
Plant in operation
A1412 :
Laser-based Manufacturing
Plant long term operation
New plants
Framatome advantage
A1409 :
LOCA Qualification for Light Water Small Modular Reactors - LW SMR
Advanced reactors
A1892 :
Neutronic and Computational Fluid Dynamics – FRAMATOME Learning Machine (FLEMNE)
Innovative solutions
Framatome advantage
Other sectors
Digital solutions
A1598 :
PKL Integral Test Facility: Classroom Training on PWR Thermal-Hydraulic System Behavior - For PWR reactors
Framatome advantage
A1511 :
PWR Fuel Assembly Tests (PETER)
New plants
Framatome advantage
A1556 :
Qualification of Components: Integral Test Stand Karlstein (INKA)
New plants
Framatome advantage
A1775 :
RPV Internals Testing and Qualification
New plants
Framatome advantage
Plant in operation
A1398 :
Safety valves setting under nominal boundary conditions
Plant in operation
A1590 :
Similitude Tests: Optimization of components and processes - Fluid-dynamic and thermal-hydraulic tests validate and optimize design
Framatome advantage
New plants
Plant in operation
A1995 :
Smart Weld: monitoring of welding machines
Other sectors
Innovative solutions
Framatome advantage
A1557 :
Steam Generator Component Testing: Design Validation and Life Time Assessment - For PWR reactors
New plants
Framatome advantage
Plant in operation
Plant long term operation
We have more services to offer you in this area. Please contact us for more information.
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