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Technical Center - Thermohydraulic & Component Testing
T.00 Overall Thermohydraulic and Component Testing
T.01 Thermal hydraulic and mechanical testing for components (qualification, research, FAT,…)
T.02 Comprehensive valve testing (qualification, research, FAT,…)
T.03 Comprehensive pump testing (qualification, research, FAT,…)
T.04 Qualification test for Nuclear Components inside containment (LOCA, Climatic, Vibration) -- see also DTICQ
T.06 Testing of RPV internal at full scale for FAT or R&D subjects
T.07 Testing of Debris Retention System (also in integral loop) / sump sieve clogging, including insulation material fragmentation tests after LOCA
T.08 Comprehensive tests for Fuel Assemblies
T.09: PWR full scale system testing (PKL)
T.10 Passive safety system testing [INKA, PKL]
T.11 Vibration and Mechanical Tests: Separate fluid-dynamic and mechanical tests for nuclear power plants (e.g., on fuel elements, S/G tubes)
T.12 Thermal Hydraulic Characterization
T.13 Safety Valves Service and Hot Adjustments
T.15: Smart Weld (monitoring of welding machines)
T.16 Training (PKL, valve diagnostics, PDRV)
T.17 Test facility and Thermal hydraulic loops consultation, design, engineering, manufacturing and set-up
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T.02 Comprehensive valve testing (qualification, research, FAT,…)
2 Products
Product name
Market Area(s)
Customer Benefit
A1403 :
ASME certified flow capacity tests for pressure relief devices
Framatome advantage
A1578 :
Valve Qualification by Test
Plant long term operation
Framatome advantage
Plant in operation
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