Neutronic and Computational Fluid Dynamics – Advanced metamodeling (Neureco & Xrom)
Main description
Perform calculation up to 1 000 000 times faster. More and more analyses, design studies and development are based on calculations and modelization, as processing power is increasing dramatically. Nevertheless, these analyses can require a lot of computational power and time, which make their use in the frame of industrial projects difficult. Framatome neutronic and CFD metamodels innovative software have proved to save a lot of calculation time and will ensure some competitive edge in the future. ADAGOS breakthrough parsimonious neural network generator dedicated to both CFD and neutronic aspects, supported by in-house transfer of the implementation skills, performs calculation up to 1 000 000 times faster. New developments with them are now being considered by Framatome (Digital Twin, asset management Metamodel based, real time simulation & simulator…).
Catalog Segmentation
Challenge solving
Operator competitiveness
Safety excellence
Efficiency of operation