Extension of safety qualification
Main description
During the construction of a nuclear power plant, the nuclear operator installs systems and equipment that are qualified for a given operating life (40 years for example). After this period, some of the systems are still working and can be used during additional years.
If the nuclear operator decides to extend the operation of the reactor beyond the initial lifetime and to continue to use the original system, they must demonstrate that this system complies with current safety authorities requirements and that the aging has not altered the system nor its safety functions.
In order to avoid the replacement of an operating system, and in line with our long-term support commitment to the nuclear operator, we offer a dedicated methodology for the extension of safety qualification that includes:
- Pre-study and identification of sensitive materials
- Definition of the qualification plan
- On-site sampling of sensitive materials
- Provision of spare parts to replace the on-site sampled materials
- Definition and manufacture of test benches useful for qualification tests
- Manufacturing of representative or hybrid qualifying specimens
- In-laboratory tests
- Redaction of qualification reports.
The extension of safety qualification is a major financial alternative to complex modernization projects.
Catalog Segmentation
Challenge solving
Operator competitiveness
Safety excellence
Efficiency of operation