Framatome in Slovakia

Framatome Controls s. r. o., is a wholly-owned Framatome subsidiary specialized in engineering for industrial control systems.
Framatome in Slovakia
Bratislava, Slovakia is the location of Framatome Controls s. r. o., a wholly-owned Framatome subsidiary specialized in engineering for industrial control systems. The dedicated teams of specialists provide engineering services, system solutions, software support and related services for nuclear power plants around the world.
Engineers from Framatome Controls are actively engaged in retrofit, upgrade and new build projects and focus mainly on software and hardware designs for automation technology, electrical system designs and support activities.
As an ISO certified organization, Framatome Controls provides high-quality solutions that serve new build projects in France, United Kingdom, Finland and Slovakia. The teams also maintain standards in the supply chain of the nuclear energy sector for the supply of products and services critical to nuclear safety.
Framatome Controls is part of the Instrumentation & Control Business Unit of Framatome.
Contact Information
Framatome Controls s. r. o.
Vajnorská 137
831 04 Bratislava
Tél : +421 249 112 111
Mail :
Management :
Ing. Juraj Breza, PhD.
Managing Director
Tél : +421 249 112 155
Mail :
Ing. Peter Hruščák
Sales Manager
Tél : +421 249 105 644