Manufacture components of the primary loop for nuclear facilities under construction or in operation

Grinding operation inside the beam envelope of a steam generator. © Framatome, Cyrille Dupont (The Pulses)
Framatome designs and assembles nuclear steam supply system equipment for utilities all over the world.
We manufacture heavy and mobile components for nuclear reactors. As a partner to the Defense sector, we also supply nuclear propulsion equipment.
With more than 10,000 components produced since 1970 for nuclear power plants in 11 countries around the world, Framatome has unique experience and expertise to supply its customers with components that meet the highest nuclear safety and quality standards.
Equipment designed in our facilities
Starting from large forged, molded and machined parts, Framatome assembles heavy components for the nuclear island: vessels, vessel heads, reactor internals, steam generators and pressurizers.
Framatome designs and manufactures highly technical mobile equipment: reactor coolant pumps (pump, motor and sealing systems, shaft seal) and control rod drive mechanisms.
Framatome manufactures components of different power ratings from 900 MW to 1,650 MW for EPR new builds. Replacement components for power plants in operation enhance performance and extends the life of the plant.
A highly-skilled manufacturing base
Framatome supplies its customers with large nuclear components from its four major industrial sites in France: Le Creusot, Saint-Marcel and Montbard in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, and Jeumont in the Nord department in northern France. Framatome is also present in China through its joint venture FDJV, a strategic partnership for the Chinese market.
Cutting-edge technologies are deployed in forging, machining, heat treatment, inspection and testing.
Our teams have over 60 years of experience in contributing to the design and construction of more than 90 reactors worldwide, including EPR new builds. In order to achieve the level of excellence expected by our customers, Framatome has centers of excellence and internal training centers right at the heart of its plants.
Key figure
Components produced since the 1970s: over 6,000 control rod drive mechanisms (CRDMs), 3,000 nuclear parts, 670 components and 300 reactor coolant pumps (RCPs).