Framatome in China

Framatome’s teams in China offer customers the best Framatome product technologies and solutions available in the world
Framatome in China
Over the past 35 years, Framatome’s teams in China have been offering customers the best Framatome product technologies and solutions available in the world, while adapting them to the specificities and challenges of the local market. Framatome in China relies on local skills and teams, as well as on its international experts to meet its clients’ needs.
As designer of the EPR reactor, we offer maintenance services to the Taishan 1 and 2 nuclear power plants located in the Guangdong Province of China. We are engaged in the assembly and installation of the Tokamak machine, an experimental machine that harnesses the energy of fusion – the heart of the international ITER nuclear fusion project. With unparalleled expertise, and long-standing relationships with our partners, we continue to supply fuel, equipment and technological bricks for the Hualong One project.
In brief :
- 600 employees including joint venture employees
- 9 Framatome locations
- 3 joint ventures:
- FDJV: Framatome-Dongfang Reactor Coolant Pumps Company. Ltd.
- CAST: CNNC Framatome Shanghai Tubing Co., Ltd.
- WECAN: Worldwide Engineering CGNPC Framatome Nuclear Co., Ltd
Main Sites
- Beijing China – Framatome Beijing Technology, Headquarters
- Shanghai – Branch office
- Haiyan – Framatome Nuclear Service (FNS), Framatome subsidiary
Contact us:
Framatome Beijing Technology
Suite 906, China Garments Building, No.99
Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Pékin, 100020, China
Tél : +86 10 6583 8701