Lingen, ANF
Advanced Nuclear Fuels GmbH (siège social)
Am Seitenkanal 1
49811 Lingen
Tél : +49 591 9145 0

The Framatome Lingen Center is the headquarters of Advanced Nuclear Fuels (ANF) GmbH, a subsidiary of Framatome GmbH.
As an integral contributor to the nuclear supply chain, ANF operators manufacture fuel rods and assemblies for all reactor models delivered to customers worldwide. They also supply components and raw materials for Framatome’s fuel fabrication plants in the US and Europe. In addition, operators around the world rely on Lingen for expert designs, manufactured fuel assembly machines and related services, critical to the operation of their supply chain.
Informations on the site :
- 400 employees
Contact us
Advanced Nuclear Fuels GmbH
Am Seitenkanal 1
49811 Lingen
+49 591 91450
Fabrication of VVER fuel
The legal expert Professor Dr. Wolfgang Ewer has examined the legal aspects of the approval process in detail presented in a new report. Prof. Dr. Ewer is a renowned expert in the field of civil nuclear energy use and has already worked for the Federal Environment Ministry, among others.
Hereafter some extracts of his report:
„The acceptance, in case of Section 7 para. 2 AtG would have allowed the authorities discretion over the granting or refusal of a nuclear plant permit, proves to be “unconstitutional” according to the current legal and actual framework conditions. “
„The relocation of the production of the fuel elements to Germany, which is intended with the change and operation of the ANF plant in Lingen…… but would bring about an improvement in the safety situation. “
Die Welt article based on their analysis of the Dr Ewer‘s report published online on June 29 including a printed version on June 30. Read the article
The topic was also discussed in the Lingen City Council on February 6, 2024. After a debate on the project, a vote was taken, in which 28 of the 36 votes were cast for the project. Read the minutes of the city council meeting (item 6)
Find out more
Background information on the license modification request for Advanced Nuclear Fuels to fabricate VVER fuel